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got a invite of alex /shotgunspud of pw to his new stalking ground ,arrangements were made daz paul and myself set of sunday morning ,we arrived at 10.15am met alex and julian after a natter what we were to do ,we set of moving highseats to new locations and reparing them,the weather didnt helpit never stopped raining we got everything done and returned back to the barn alex had told us to put our rifles in ,alex showed me where to go to my highseat and put daz in another spot alex took paul with him I stalked down to my seat there were plenty of slots about all way down to my seat saw 2 muntys but couldnt get a shot with the undergrowth being high justin picked me up on dark and retured back at the barn,alex arrived with paul ,paul had shot his first munjac smiling like a cheshire cat,Daz saw one but couldnt get a shot. Next morning me and Julian went out, got into my high seat and within 15/20 mins a young doe appeared and I shot her. Justin picked me up and we went back to the barn ,it was a great weekend, good company with plenty of Deer seen. Many thanks to Alex for a great few days. I would recommend stalking with Alex at Belvoir Castle you wont go wrong with him.



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Well thank you Andy!


And thank you for all your help over the weekend just sorry it rained as much as it did. As always fantastic crack :lol: :lol:



Paul congrats on your first Muntjac my friend.





Andy with his.







Hard weekend that was cutting rides and setting up seats!! looking forward to getting stuck in now.


Thanks for reading



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