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definitely worth joining. i got shooting from a farmer ( 1000 acres ) because i was able to show basc insurance. the farmer later told me that i was the only person to ask for permission who had any form of cover.


join and you get help with all sorts of problems and you help fund the fight.





now if only he would let me run my lurchers and the 100's of hares he has :lol:

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BASC do a special deal for airriflers and I stand to be corrected but they are the only organisation to do so. It is also cheaper than the full membership costs. They run competitions all over the country but if it is land your after, like the rest of us you have to do the miles of cold calling, fustration and rejection before you get your first response that is positive. The main things they offer are good insurance for your protection and a firearms department that will also deal with your questions regarding airrifles and this is free to members. Other organisations do not offer this service. In essence it is sound expert legal advice for the cost of your membership............. you can't beat it.


So join today and get yourself into the voice for shooting.


Good luck

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There is also BASA (British association of airgun shooters) that is run by Romsey house who publish both airgun comics (airgunner and airgun world). They offer airgun only insurance that's a fair bit cheaper than BASC but will the landowner have heard of them? They'll almost certainly know of BASC.

BTW don't believe anything at all in the two Romsey magasines. Their reviews fawn all over the manufacturer 'cos they buy the advertising space.

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