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Hi all,


Thinking maybe change to 223 fom 17rem, main reasons 17rem ammo is *****y expensive and it sure as hell don`t like a dirty barrel. Comparing the calibres, is the 223 more prone to ricochet? more noise? (moderated) and would a head shot rabbit still be saleable/edible? I would have the 223 primarily for fox but would be used for vermin. I do use 17mach2 and .22 air fac usually for rabbit and other vermin. would be glad of advice from all of you experienced lads/lady`s


:unsure: also is 223 ok for munty`s


regards, J

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hello mate i have a 17 rem and home load and i wouldnt class it as expensive and i never seem to have a dirty barrel mine is a cz 527 what load are you using



Hiya mate, thanks, my comments on 17 rem are based on hearsay, prices on ammo from my local rfd £38.00 for 20 rds. not sure if I would have time for home loading although I have not tried it. I have not yet purchased a 17rem, reason I had it slotted was feo suggested it (he uses one for fox). Is home loading time consuming? I would imagine it is a pretty critical concerning weights and tolerances. I would still prefer to go the 17 cf calibre route for fox as I have a 452 17mach2 varmint and is an incredible calibre for small vermin

Regards J

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Hiya mate, thanks, my comments on 17 rem are based on hearsay, prices on ammo from my local rfd £38.00 for 20 rds. not sure if I would have time for home loading although I have not tried it. I have not yet purchased a 17rem, reason I had it slotted was feo suggested it (he uses one for fox). Is home loading time consuming? I would imagine it is a pretty critical concerning weights and tolerances. I would still prefer to go the 17 cf calibre route for fox as I have a 452 17mach2 varmint and is an incredible calibre for small verminRegards J


What a .17Mk2 does has no bearing on a .17 CF. :no:


Possibly consider the new .17Hornet, still an untried or tested calibre (despite what others may say about the .17CF generally).


It will also depend on your land, usage and overall quarry, but my general view would be the .223! :good:




ANY bullet can ricochet, noise will be a tiny bit up from a .17cf (a different sort of crack), and the .223 is Muntjac and CWD legal in England/Wales (see the rules) and also Roe legal in Scotland!

Edited by Dekers
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