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Touch up pen

Sx3 clay breaker

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I use one of these pens, I have a small area under the forend on my Browning where it rubs on the barrels. I obviously don't want rust to get in there. As this is constantly being rubbed, about every other clean I wipe the area with a good solvent to get any oil/grease off and reapply the pen. It is obviously blue, whereas the barrels are black, but after a couple of passes with the pen, it darkens sufficiently, however you can still see where it is applied if you look close enough - slightly streaky. I have one other area on the side of the barrel, where a bit of broken clay put a scratch in and I have never had to redo that after the first time.

However, considering that most guns get the odd 'battle scar' over the time, if it isn't an area where it is constantly rubbed, I dont think it would come off easily, if at all, and with it being an oxidisation treatment, it has to be better than leaving the metal to rust. If you are really careful with the pen, you should be able to make the mark almost invisible, with a final coat of something like Legia spray, you would really struggle to see it. Hope this helps, good luck :good:

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