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Scope mounts


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I have been having difficulty in zeroing the hummer. After a dodgy batch of ammo, it was back onto zeroing again, and it has been driving me nuts. Bang on at 50yds, 2 " left at a 100 :hmm: I've had this before with the air rifles but as the distance is short, its much less obvious. After a lot of head scratching, I came across this:



Now obviously you wouldn't put mounts oposing ways round, but it does show the degree of cant quite well, which has to be magnified over distance.

So I looked at the mounts on the HMR and they are quite terrible, suprising they are only a couple of inches out at 100yds. :o I then went through the spare sets I have and they are all much the same. At least 1 degree of cant :o There are two different makes,so its a common fault to both companies. I have ordered a pair of BKL mounts and will pop the results back on here.

In the meantime, this thread on the hwoc shows the problems. Scroll through page two and see some pics :o




So if like me you're struggling for accuracy on air or powder, I would give the mounts a good look over. It seems absurd that the very essence of shooting is one of accuracy and equipment like this is being sold to us without our knowledge :o

Edited by turbo33
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that is not "cant".

Cant is the effect of a non vertical reticule on the POI over varying distances.


if the tube is not parallel to the bore the reticule is still centred in the objective.

technically the line is from pupil to reticule to target rather than tube.

The tube is just the physical limitation to the adjustment of the reticule.


true cant of reticule can have significant effect on POI






Also Offset scopes still have tube and bore parallel. so your man above is not accurate in saying that a scope pulled to one side by a fraction is going to give differing POI depending on distance.

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