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Im wanting to apply for my FAC. Only quarry will be ground game and the odd fox. I've no experience with any calibre off rifle apart from air rifles. What calibre should I apply for and is there any thing I can do to get myself up to speed with the requirements of owner ship? I don't have or no anyone who could mentor me before I apply. Thanks

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I think my first line of thought would be to find a local gun club and visit it for a chat. If it looks good then join it and this will show that you're making an effort to learn about what you want to do.


Do you have any land over which you could go out with an open FAC holder? This would gain you some experience through watching and maybe taking a few shots, plus they could advise you on whether the ground is suitable. There are plenty of folk on here who would show you the ropes I'm sure. :good:

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Im wanting to apply for my FAC. Only quarry will be ground game and the odd fox. I've no experience with any calibre off rifle apart from air rifles. What calibre should I apply for and is there any thing I can do to get myself up to speed with the requirements of owner ship? I don't have or no anyone who could mentor me before I apply. Thanks


there are only a few guns realy suitable to rabbits and foxes. I suggest a .22 lr (rimfire) and a small .22 centrefire for fox. tell us were you are in north yorkshire and someone might help out

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there are only a few guns realy suitable to rabbits and foxes. I suggest a .22 lr (rimfire) and a small .22 centrefire for fox. tell us were you are in north yorkshire and someone might help out

I'm between Scarborough and malton mate

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Well I'm fairly close, if you need a mentor to get your certificate we might be able to sort something out.

If your after ground game (rabbits etc) then either a .22lr or a .17HMR is probably the ideal caliber, depending on what ranges your going to shoot them at and what the land is like.


As to foxes, you need a center-fire caliber from .22 hornet upwards. North Yorkshire only like to give out a .22 hornet for foxes, while this is adequate on foxes (and maybe a few rabbits if you wanted to have everything in one rifle), it's range is limited. Depending on the ranges your wanting to shoot them at your might want something like a .223, 22-250 or a .243. To get a .243 you have to tell them it's for deer as well, if you have suitable land with deer on then it's not an issue.

There are many others suitable calibers, I'm just listing the common ones that are all you need. If you get into rifles you might find you fancy something a little different.


It might not be needed for the rim-fires, but for a center-fire they want you to have shot one before in North Yorkshire - all that's needed is for someone with a suitable rifle to tell the police that they've taken you out and let you have a go with it, and taught you what is a safe shot. You then get an 'open certificate' (to much envy of shooters from other counties), which allows you to shoot over any land you consider safe (and have permission for of course). You do need one piece of land that they will pass for the caliber you ask for, but it needn't be much (I got a .22lr and a .243 on a mere 30 acres).

Edited by bedwards1966
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