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Poorly little cocker spaniel

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Hi all

My new little cocker is passing a clear mucus, some with tiny flecks of blood after passing good poops of suitable consistency. She appears to be straining quite hard at times. She is still VERY lively and is eating and drinking as normal. We have only had her a week and she is now 8 weeks old. Phoned the vet and have arranged an appointment for later today. I think the vet suspects colitis? Has anyone any ideas or experience of this?


Highland laddie

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I'm no expert and I'm sure the vet will sort it but my experience says at that age they are very sensitive to change and it might be new diet, home or owners that's upset her system a bit.

My GWP has had colitis a few times and the vet gave him some squirt on stuff for his food that is supposed to sort the gut out. Usually works quite quick.



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Well we have been down to the vet and all appears well apart from the pups upset tum. She was prescribed I presume what you wer on about, some probiotics. Kind of like actimel or benicol ie good bacteria for the gut and since it was time to worm her again. I got some wormer too. Hopefully in a few days after her treatment and some bland food she will be back to normal



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