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Cracking Carping session

leeds chimp

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Was invited on Wednesday to a private lake as a guest from a member on here... :good:


Got to the lake at 6.20am :sly: with the other two already set up and caught 1 each low double...so they said to me go in the swim next to them...baited up two spots, one next to some lillys, the other left margin with a couple of handfuls of boilies in each and then rigs in the water...one had a simple 1.5ox inline lead with a size 8 hook and 14mm hair rig boilie. The other had 2oz bomb to a leadcore chod rig with a larger 18mm boilie again size 8 hook hair rig...

Was thinking of having a nap :blush: then the lilly rod took off with a nice 14lb common to start the day...

Ended up with 18 in total while the other two only had about 6/7 between them..mainly low to high doubles but the suprise was a very nice 7/8lb mirror that I had a right scrap with...took line on 3 runs...could not believe the size when I got it in..

Couple of pics










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