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Logun Penetrators


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Hi, I was setting up my enigma with 16grain logun penetrators today ready for my hunting trip on thursday. I was using accupels before (which i find superb anyway) but the loguns are slightly harder hitting and seem to be grouping just as tightly (albeit I had to adjust the scope slightly). Im gonna do the same with my .177 tomorrow too (also for thursday, im gonna take both) so I'll post again then about the comparisons etc. Anyone got anything I should know about them? Ive noticed they do curve a little but they are definately hard hitting on my pellet catcher lol





P.s. Whilst setting my sights a young woodie landed right in front of me. He was clearly stupid and had no idea, so I felt sorry for him and let him live, didnt see it as sporting or necessary to shoot him and I must say Im actually starting to like woodies for their intuition and skill as a surviving bird!

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Hi, I was setting up my enigma with 16grain logun penetrators today ready for my hunting trip on thursday. I was using accupels before (which i find superb anyway) but the loguns are slightly harder hitting and seem to be grouping just as tightly (albeit I had to adjust the scope slightly). Im gonna do the same with my .177 tomorrow too (also for thursday, im gonna take both) so I'll post again then about the comparisons etc. Anyone got anything I should know about them? Ive noticed they do curve a little but they are definately hard hitting on my pellet catcher lol





P.s. Whilst setting my sights a young woodie landed right in front of me. He was clearly stupid and had no idea, so I felt sorry for him and let him live, didnt see it as sporting or necessary to shoot him and I must say Im actually starting to like woodies for their intuition and skill as a surviving bird!

hey let us know how you get on iv got a Brocock Enigma on order :)

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P.s. Whilst setting my sights a young woodie landed right in front of me. He was clearly stupid and had no idea, so I felt sorry for him and let him live, didnt see it as sporting or necessary to shoot him and I must say Im actually starting to like woodies for their intuition and skill as a surviving bird!


Nice one, respectful choice. I will only take a landed pigeon if I need one for deeks / rotor / bouncer / flapper. Even then I prefer to use the first shot birds if I can :)

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Koolio, Which version of the enigma are u getting? 177 or 22? Deluxe or standard? Im using the 22 Deluxe and I love it to bits so far.....It chronos at around 10.4 Ftlbs depending on the pellets you use and its groupings are nice and tight. Ive had many pigeons and maggies with it already, it loves accupels and works best when powered up to 180Bar of pressure.





P.s. my hunting trip has been moved to Friday because the landowner is away on thursday (its new land for me so they have to be there the first time.) I'll be sure to post on here about it in the evening :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Koolio, Which version of the enigma are u getting? 177 or 22? Deluxe or standard? Im using the 22 Deluxe and I love it to bits so far.....It chronos at around 10.4 Ftlbs depending on the pellets you use and its groupings are nice and tight. Ive had many pigeons and maggies with it already, it loves accupels and works best when powered up to 180Bar of pressure.





P.s. my hunting trip has been moved to Friday because the landowner is away on thursday (its new land for me so they have to be there the first time.) I'll be sure to post on here about it in the evening :angry:


Sorry for late reply I missed it. I did have composite on order an expected it last week, but had an e-mail from the company advising that what they thought were .22 were actually 1.77 so I now have to wait another 3 weeks for the thing. It’s annoying because if I had ordered it from BAR it would have a healthy Rabbit count now.

I was offered a Weihrauch HW100 S for just £60.00 more. Is that a good deal?

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sorry to 'jump thread' i owned hw100 and although a great gun i found the air cylinder a real pain to take on and off as the threads on it are very fine and are easy to cross thread. If you got one a venom cylinder would be a good idea..


cz 452 22lr/simmons wtc

cheers for the info i think il pop down the local gun shop and see what there like, don't really want to wait another 3 weeks unless someone can give a real big up for the enigma.

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