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Hi there , im new to shotgun shooting but been shooting air rifles for a while now, i used to put out a few decoys and hope the pigeons would land or sit in a tree and i could pick them off with i must say limited success, i had my first outing with the shotgun for pigeons at the weekend and noticed the birds going over my decoys to a field where a small flock had gathered , i did manage to get 4 birds but i think i could have had many more if there was movement in my pattern. my question is do you recommend flappers and rotary and bouncers and will i reap the rewards with these tools as i have priced these items and they are not cheap i recon i will need the best part of £200 to get everything ,which means i may have to sell my HW97k to fund this ,am i better just sticking to the decoys or should i take a leap of faith and go for it. Your input and advice would be appreciated .



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Field craft is the answer. If they are going to a different place you need to be there or as close as possible. If you have all the gadgets it will make things easier but if the Pigeons don't want to feed where you are move. If it's not you land get as close to. The magnet and flapper might stall them or get them a little closer but if they are going to somewhere they know they will get a good feed they will scoot on by.

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hi there , yeah i checked that out and after the £120 for the rotary and flapper i still need the hypa decoy things for the rotary and the battery and chargers, and a timer for the flapper . thats the best part of £200 i recon . think the Hw97k is gonna have to go. :hmm:

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Hi there , im new to shotgun shooting but been shooting air rifles for a while now, i used to put out a few decoys and hope the pigeons would land or sit in a tree and i could pick them off with i must say limited success, i had my first outing with the shotgun for pigeons at the weekend and noticed the birds going over my decoys to a field where a small flock had gathered , i did manage to get 4 birds but i think i could have had many more if there was movement in my pattern. my question is do you recommend flappers and rotary and bouncers and will i reap the rewards with these tools as i have priced these items and they are not cheap i recon i will need the best part of £200 to get everything ,which means i may have to sell my HW97k to fund this ,am i better just sticking to the decoys or should i take a leap of faith and go for it. Your input and advice would be appreciated .





Don't go down ''All the gear no idea'' route, before buying expensive equiment learn how to make hides/field craft/patterns/pigeon behavior etc. Ask about (this forum is a good place to start) and see if you can find someone to take you out and show you the ropes.

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everything i know i have learned from this site haha, im getting there slowly , im sure i will improve every week, i just want to get there quickly ,il just keep bashing away . i find that the lessons i learn the hard way are remembered .

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All I have is 22 half shells and 3 full body decoys and can bring them in very well. Go out and try different patterns to see what works in your area. I tred allsorts including some really odd ones. I tried a tear drop with a small dot at the bottom in flattened corn and that worked really wel. There are lots of patterns in the pigeon section.

On a simmilar note a friend of mines farther is and old time pigeon er and he just emotys the decoys out of the bag kicks them round and sets up like that. And does really well. So I think it's down to knowing really an learning there habits and social behaviours.

I you wanted it wouldn't take much to make a bouncer or a royery pigeon magnet see if there are plans on google befor you spend hundreds on gear.

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Although patterns are good, do you ever see pigeons feeding in a horse shoe or what ever else? When I'm shooting over laid I put half a dozen at the head in a group and a few others dotted round, I find this works really well as the approaching birds will stall over the area looking for a place to drop in, those few hesitant seconds make for easy shooting. Look at how they are feeding in groups in your area and try and copy how they look on the ground.

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Well iv made a bouncer and im going to try it tomorrow, i used one of the flexible rods from an old tent ,and fitted 3 prongs of steel on the end to secure the bird to ,worth a try i recon i also have 6 fud decoys and 5 prodecoys so i will see if i can improve on lest weeks tally , i may set up in another area aswell, where i saw a lot of birds dropping into last week, provided the cow's are nowhere to be seen in that field . I also think iv got the flight line or at least one of them sorted out .




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