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from disaster to master blaster. almost lol


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Had an early morning on the crows planned, would be there for five and set up. Well things did not go exactly to plan me youngest having a cough, kept me awake most the night so blame him for snoozing the alarm until 5.30


Anyway was at the door for six and stopped at the shop for some supplies of red bull, ten past six and no sign of the door opening, gah no worries better no waste this time off to set the hide up. Hide set 4 crow decoys out and 5 pigeon. Back to the shop lol.


Finally in the hide a quick root in the bag for the crow call, left it at home doh doh. By know my confidence had shot and was seriously thinking about packing up and calling it a day, luckily my bad streak ended there and had a steady 2 hours of crows knocking about with 16 picked and 4 lost.


All birds taken with 28 7s since I also left the 6s at home!


Many thanks





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