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Meopta Meostar R1R - 3-12x56 - 4K Illuminated


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Scope now Sold


Meopta Meostar R1R (Ret in 2nd Focal Plane, Reticle stays the same size through the mag range) - 3-12x56 - 4K Illuminated (7 Settings) 30mmTube. Manufactured in Feb 2011. Bought new by me in April 2011, fantastic optics, very bright and crisp, Boxed, Paperwork, Rubber lens covers. I bought the sunshade separate and will include that too. There are two little 1mm scratches (see photo) on the underside of the tube which don't show and are of no detriment to the scope in any way. The scope is totally immaculate in every other respect, no mount marks or crimps. Warranty registration card not filled in. Superb optics, illumination is spot on too.


Has not been used for a while now so it can go.













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Edited by Winnyman
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