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New Personal Best for the Husher


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Well, after bemoaning the lack of sport lately despite regular outings I struck lucky today and found them.


I found a good amount on one of the fields I have permission on and checked with the farmer that it was still OK to shoot and because the only viable position to shoot was 150yards from his kitchen window and actually facing his house I used the 20g hushpower O/U. I'm tending to use it anyway mind just because it avoids a lot of the problems we face regarding noise generally.


I started late at 3pm immediately after a good downpour and things started very slowly. I moved my hide 3 times trying to get a better position in relation to the deeks but it still remained quite quiet so I thought I would try the hypaflaps on a magnet and it seemed to make the difference with a steady stream of birds until I ran out of cartridges at around 7-30.


I ended up with 42 woodies and 9 ferals for 75 cartridges and had some cracking kills with my subsonic homeloads.


I had to laugh as I watched a rambler pass a couple of hundred yards away whilst I nailed another bird in the pattern. The rambler didn't even look, never heard a thing :good:


Wish I'd taken my camera :sad1:


Great day though, makes up for all the false starts :good:

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