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badger cull


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The study the leaflet cites, which says that badger culling wouldn't work, is often referred to as the Krebs trial, and is flawed in several areas.


Culling and TB testing was interrupted by the 2001 FMD outbreak.

Over 50% of traps were interfered with, and over 10% removed. Badgers may have been released outside the target area, so this could have corrupted the results.

Much culling was done in mid winter, which is the least successful time for trapping.

Insufficient numbers of badgers were culled.



Badger culling, if carried out properly, can make a meaningful contribution to reducing TB. I have heard of other trials which show much better results. Maybe someone else will know more and can enlighten us.


Also note how emotive terms such as "slaughter" are used, and the reference to "families of badgers" having "their last meal together". Typical emotive language from the animal rights lot. Emotive words such as this often result in readers responding with a knee jerk emotive response. This is a common tactic from the animal rights movement, and is only designed to manipulate.

Edited by Reece
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