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logun solo add ons !!!


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Hi all just thought id ask some advice before splashing my cash


ive heard that logun have launched a multi shot magazine for its solo rifle


if so what you guys reckon to it ;)


is it worth the money or should i just upgrade my rifle


p.s. no jokes about it not being a solo anymore please !!!!




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personaly im not impressed with it, least i thin its the solo i have seen, is it the mag system that has to me manualy indexed to the next pellet?


The only time i would use it is in the middle of winter when i dont want to take my gloves off.


Then again it depends on how much the mag system is


ROB ;)

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I got to test one out... Kim from logun sent me one.. which I had to send back... as it was a demo one... anyway thats another long story..


it was really good.. cheap! but good. it worked well and all i can say is I will be buying one.. around the 35 pound price was correct.. from what i had been told.. i think they are now instock.... or will be this month.. anyway for such a cheap gun as the solo... you cant loose.... thats my view.


any further aids will only be considered as a bonus.. I already bought the barrel clamp which was great... and it is a fantastic add on.. even though i dont use my air rifle anymore.. i still think there will be a time for its use.

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cheers jonrms !!


would like to update my solo as much as possible , im shooting on a budget


although if anyone can recomend a good multi shot pcp for about £400.00 i might be tempted to add to my collection of 1


cant get rid of my solo its so damn reliable




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I also have a logun solo and one of the main buying points was the long awaited rotary magazine most of the multi shot i looked at befor i brought the solo were either mega money or not rated as high hence the reason i brought the solo - its supposed to have hit the shops by the end of august but i have yet to lacate any shop in the uk that has actualy recieved them yet - i emailed logun but as usual the customer service is pants and they have yet to have contacted me back - but i am sure it will be here soon as mant of the shops i have contacted are just waiting for them to arrive -


I know that is a manual magazine but that means you will have to be a complete idiot to get a pellet jam - unlike on the s16 which is to easy to do and damages the gun :S

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I know that is a manual magazine but that means you will have to be a complete idiot to get a pellet jam - unlike on the s16 which is to easy to do and damages the gun :S

I've had an S16 for quite some time now and haven't jammed it yet. Maybe anyone daft enough to ram two pellets down the barrel doesn't have the right mindset to be in control of any weapon ?

I'm not trying to say anyone is incompetent it's merely an idle thought.

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Contact logun... see there telephone number in the back of your service book for there details.... or go on there website.. and order one from there... dont rely on the shops.... it will be xmas before they get them in....



PO3... I have to say it is easy to have a jam in the barrel... ie you load it and it sticks.. you fire but the pellet does not come out completly. and you believe it was shot... I have done it as I say.. I got rid of my S16 because of a number of reasons... luckly it didnt happen often.. but I have to say it happened about 2-3 times... so your lucky so far no jams occured...


the Solo is a good gun.. made great with the barrel support and now the mag... I love it but as I said I no longer have a use for mine... i have the stealth for any kinda air gun activity and also my webley vulcan... so i am gonna get rid of my solo now..


anyway thats gonna go on the forsale bit.... when i am ready.


but get it get it get it.... ie buy that mag clip...

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