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A bolt 22.250

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Hi all. I've got the blue form to put in for another fire arms on my licence and I also want to apply for extra use of one of my riffels to be able to shoot small deer ie muntjac-Chinese water deer as the population is on the increase I can not see any wear on the form to to this!

Is there a certon procedure for this.

Also am I wright in thinking muntjac and chinese water deer are classed as vermin.

Any info would be much appreciated.

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Since when has skinning a deer had anything to do with public safety or a FAC applicants suitability to own a firearm.


Passing the DSC1 is not a prerequisite of having deer named as a quarry species on ones FAC and proficiency at skinning one most certainly is not.


To have cwd and munt added to my conditions I had to either have a dsc1 or proof I knew how to to prepare a deer safely, as I had neither I was unable to have them added onto my cert, I was also commenting to the op about the statement of getting cwd and munt added, as most forces won't just add it as a condition without experience with deer in the first place

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Olliesims, I don't think it's fair to say that most forces require a DCS 1 before allowing a deer shooting condition.


If any force wanted me to take a course on skinning deer/any other way of making me prove I could do it, I'd tell them where to go with that idea, it's simply ridiculous.

It's got nothing to do with public safety, nor has it got anything to do with 'good reason' for having a firearm, so it's not up to them to impose such conditions, and I'd challenge that.

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Is it now legal to shoot small deer with a 22.250 also in question to one of the answers above if I get one of my permissions to allow me to shoot small deer on there land then that qualifies me to shoot small deer on the rest without specifying it. As regards to butchering deer I would hope they would take into account that I'm an ex farmer and allso owned an fac for the past 15 years.

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