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Animal Aid campaign gets massive public support... according to Anima


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Maybe we should set up a poll on here, I am sure we could come up with some statistics to counter their argument.


The WH Smiths in Exeter Airport duty free won't stock shooting magazines, but my local Morrison's has a few all on the bottom shelves between the fishing and horsey ones.


The sad thing is most kids and quite a few adults are far removed from the concept of where food actually comes from. There seems to be little relationship between the polystyrene tray of bright red flesh in the supermarket and the cow/pig/sheep/chicken found on the farm.


Anyone see the Wright Show yesterday? I caught the tail end of it discussing the badger cull to help counter bovine TB or as the programme put it "the pointless wholesale slaughter of thousands of indigenous creatures". More wishy washy liberal rhetoric based on emotion and not good scientific fact. Grrrrrr! I feel a rant coming on.

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