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targets first so we can get used to the rifle and then probably upgrading for going stalking


Join a target club - once you're a provisional member, you'll be able to try a variety of club (members) guns.


Many people start with a .22lr - obviously for any hunting / stalking, your calibre will need to be appropriate for the quarry.

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.17HMR not great for deer but a great bunny gun. Not really a range gun.


If you don't have permission to shoot on land (vermin etc) your path of least resistance would be to get a CF rifle initially for target use (something deer legal - maybe a .308? dunno much about range shooting) and then after a while book some stalking and ask the police to amend your conditions.


I can highly recommend the DSC 1 if you want to learn more about deer.

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im a member of gun club that i shoot on ive shot most calibers up to .308 is the .17 hmr good to start with?

Why not ask the members at the club who have seen you shoot? As said before, it depends what you want to do, if it is mainly target and the odd bunny, .22 LR would probably do, if you want other target disciplines/larger quarry, the FEO and other club members should be able to put you straight. But remember, you will still have to have live quarry added to your licence if you intend shooting it.,If your FAC is for target shooting, then unless you asked for anything more, it will say, like mine does: "shall be used for target shooting....whilst a member of ***** shooting club.... on ranges suitable for the safe use of that class of firearm", or something similar, my FEO stated that ONLY covered me for target shooting. You must be sure it also includes any game or vermin shooting you intend, with details of permission/land etc, I am fairly sure that is the only legal way - but some of our more experienced/legal members will no doubt be along here soon and hopefully I have this right. All the best..

Edited by Bloke
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For rabbits and short range target shooting a .22lr is a great choice in most cases, and most people start with one, and still have one.

A .17HMR is also good on rabbits, it has it's pro's and cons over the .22lr, I'd suggest a quick search on here to find out more about them, they've been discussed on here at great length many times.


For deer you need a much larger rifle, depending on what your wanting to shoot you may be looking for a .243 or a .308. A bit more information on what you'd like to shoot might help a bit.


To be allowed to shoot your rifle over land (i.e at anywhere other than a club) you need to be able to show you've got permission on some suitable land, and the police will then grant or change your certificate to allow quarry shooting. You also need expanding ammunition for shooting quarry, which will also require you to show you've got land to shoot on.

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