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Roe's from Bayern


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Here are some pictures from my latest trip to Bayern. Two roebucks and a doe fawn where shot. Very few roebucks where seen (only these two :D:good: ). Probably tired from the rutt (and tired off women :D ).

Roebucks where both very poor, but nice trophy. The experience is something that counts as well and on the last morning i was out on a high seat i saw 10 roe does with fawns around me :D . It was such a lovely sight i didn't bother to shoot but just enjoyed the sight. From a roe management's point of view that is bad, but i liked it very much.

By the way, the godess of hunting Diana was not very kind to me. A high seat i sat on collapsed and i fell about 4 meters to the ground :/ . I thought i would brake an arm or something, but just a sore butt and a rifle bore full of mud. Had to try it if it wasn't crooked, cleaned it. Went to shooting range in wood, sat in the grass and got stung by a hornaar (hornisse) a big kind of wasps in my back :lol: . Got all red and bubbly but it turns out i am not allergic to those kind of flying insects luckily. :/




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