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evidence required


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as you will be aware we have one last chance to argue out pro tail docking case with the scottishexcutive when the consultation on exemptions to the mutilation ban opens in october/november.to argue effectively we need hard evidence of the sorts of tail injuries which can occur to undocked working dogs . in order to gather the necessary evidence the sca has teamed up with the british associationfor shooting and consevation,the scottish gamekeepers association,the game conservancy trust and abj consultants


airlie bruce jones of abj consultants will gather and copile the evidence on behalf of these organisations.



airlie has already had a good responce at many game fairs etc



if you have any evidence of tail injuries or would like more info please call arlie on 0138 872 863 or




come on ladys and gents lets get behind this one you know it makes sence



cheers kirky :good:

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Is this JUST TAIL docking or does it include the DEW claws. If it includes the dew claws then I may have some evidence of what has happend to my Lab.


But as tails go this one seems to have broken his at some time early in his life as its nice and thick at the top but goes to a bit of a rats tail after about 4". Prob is I didnt get him til he was nearly 8months so don't know all his history fully.






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