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I need to learn some more about deer so I am offering my services free of charge. If there is anyone who is a bit immobile or needs help for whatever reason with stalking (carrying/dragging, gralloching etc) and is willing to impart some knowledge to me I will happily help out. I am in St Albans area but can travel. I am often about during the week if it helps.


I am not looking to shoot but I would like to learn more about stalking hence the offer.

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Thanks. I have posted this on SD. I have had a couple of positive replies but sadly they live a very long way away.


I am pretty new to deer stalking and have an FAC conditioned for deer. I can't afford to pay for stalking all the time and I am looking around for some locally to me but we all know that is hard to find. Instead of waiting until I find land (think positive) to learn about it I want to learn more now so I am more confident and competent when I find my own stalking. I recognise that guys who have been stalking for decades have a lot of knowledge to give and if someone is willing to do that I'll happily do the donkey work. The ideal would be someone who is on the edge of giving up because the physical demands are getting on top. That way I can keep them stalking and achieve my objective of learning at the same time. I fear the day I am too infirm to carry on with the things I love so would be delighted to prevent this for someone else.


Hope that clarifies the not necessarily wanting to shoot comment.

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Keep on trying, and good luck. Dont neglect door knocking and writing if you have the time, "who dares wins rodney!"

I couldnt afford to pay for stalking, some of my stalking comes free on our pheasant shoot (just a thought) Im a half gun for £250 so not too bad as I get to take my two boys, one of which shoots too.

You sounded genuine to me but some older guys are paranoid..it will come.

Try the deer initiative, they should be able to put you in touch with local deer management groups. Just keep following your nose..

good luck, MM.

ps off out stalking in the morning for my first fallow doe of the season (hopefully), just got to check gear one last time.cheers.

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