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South East Wildfowling / Goose shooting

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Thought I may as well put it out there. If anybody has any flights for sale please PM me. Sick of jumping through hoops and getting messed about for the days I'm getting now. I'm in South Kent but willing to travel an hour. There was a chap in Lydd that sold flights. I won't post his name on here but if it rings a bell with anybody I'd be glad for a contact if he still does.

Cheers, Rob

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If you're in Basc you can use their voucher scheme free or use the Try Wildfowling button on the KWCA website


I'm lapsed as it goes. Just had the reminder through today. I had a look at that the other year and the only part available under the scheme in the SE was the foreshore between Reculver and Minnis. My old fella used to shoot most of that round there but said it was very hit and miss. Last year it was only a tenner so for that you can't really go wrong.


Theres a bit on guns on pegs. Might treat myself. If its a six gun day would I have to come along with five others or is it just first come first served?

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