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Hi Mahmood, yes I lamp -a LOT!! Over 3000 rabbits this year, often twicw a week.


My set up is as follows:

Suzuki Jeep with headlights and spotlights covered with red acetate sheeting.

A hand lamp (1.5million candle power) with a red filter.

Two additional driving lamps on a separate switch to the main lights left uncovered - white light.


I only use the white driving lights for the short road journeys or if I need extra light to 'pick up' by. Myself and the driver (who also lamps) both carry headtorches for picking up too.


I have tried lights of most colours - blue, orange, violet, green, ultra violet - but none give me the same results that red give.


Red doesn't seem to spook the bunnies (or foxes) and gives good spotting chances by showing their eyes as a vivid red colour. None of the other colours seem to do the same.


I find my scope also manages to collect enough light from the redness to give crystal clear definition to allow me to shoot consistently and accuratey throughout the night.


On windy nights I use red spots and full beam and dipped lights on still nights as it allows us to creep a bit nearer!


It may seem an odd set up but it works well for me! :lol::lol::lol:



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