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22.250 barrel wear

Elmer Fudd 1

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i was talking to a friend in the pub yesterday and we got on to the topic of fox shooting. whereas i shoot a .17 hmr, he shoots both a .243 and a .308.

i said that i was thinking of upgrading to something like a 22.250 he agreed that it was a superb foxing round but said that it would wear out a barrel very quickly.


does anyone have experience with this calibre and if so what are your experiences with the round?

many thanks



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In my experience with this calibre, there are two things that shorten the life of the 22.250 barrel.


Firstly, it is a popular C/F the young shooters who have the need for speed (and flatness whatever that is) and if it will do 4000 fps then a 40 gr head is what it is going to get - this will shorten the life of the barrel - it will in most rifles, a 243 fed with 55 gr heads will also go the same way. My barrel has only known 55 gr heads and is over 2000 shots and still returns 1/2 MOA.


Secondly, Care and maintenance (as with all rifles) is paramount for longevity. Shoot it, clean it. A rifle is not the same as a spanner you use then chuck back into the tool box - it gets subjected to some nasty corrosive chemicals when fired, then add dampness to the mixture = short barrel life.


The above two reasons are why I would never buy a secondhand rifle that pushes a bullet >3600 fps.


For those who are thinking about a 22.250, they should do the maths - if for foxing and the occasional plink, say 250 rounds a year then with care 10 years + works out quite an economical rifle. Use it as a range/fox rifle - say 500 rounds a year and yes the life span will be shorter. Lets face it - at 250 rounds a year over 10 years you will spend more on cartidges than the original cost of the rifle and scope combined.



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