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Mentoring conditions

rapid basher

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If you have a mentor condition on the .243 it means you can only use it while supervised by someone etc a friend who has one and can mentor you while using it


I don't get is as the police don't know if the mentor has a clue what he is talking about. So the police could be making you have a mentor that could be telling you a load of rubbish and making you less safe seams irresponsible thing for the police to be doing.

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There are two types. Sometimes they require you to go out with someone and be shown how to shoot a center-fire safely, they will then grant you a certificate (after checking with whoever took you out).

The other type is where you have to be accompanied by another certificate holder while you shoot a particular rifle. This condition often last for 6 months.


Unfortunately as this is a rule the police have made up to cover themselves/be obstructive and it's not law, you can't actually appeal it. The best way forward it to find someone who can confirm you've shot a center-fire to write to the police telling them your safe, if they then put on a mentor condition for a few months just accept it and wait for it to go. It's a bad idea to just not get a rifle because you may have to be mentored for a while.

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I don't get is as the police don't know if the mentor has a clue what he is talking about. So the police could be making you have a mentor that could be telling you a load of rubbish and making you less safe seams irresponsible thing for the police to be doing.

Indeed the basic condition to be a mentor seems to be having held an FAC for a few years maybe 1 renewal and not had a reported accident/incident! Blind leading the Blind......And if after being mentored there is an issue can the mentor get in trouble?

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