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What are you paying for your DIY shoot

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Very interesting to see what everyone else pays, our shoot is an RAF rough shooting club, based at Leeming North Yorks. I am ex RAF, as is a number of other members but we do have plenty of civilian members with no RAF connections. This I where th problem starts for us as the RAF are considering charging us rent for the land next year because there aren't enough serving shoot members. The price increase I would have thought will be peanuts so hardly a problem but we may be looking to recruit more members next season. We are currently paying £110 a year, which is nothing I know. For that we get nine walked up shoots of mixed game, duck and vermin. We put down 150 pheasant, unable to put down any more due to the risk to the aircraft, but our very close neighbour put down 1800, so we do get one or two encroaching. We usually shoot around 90% as well as a good number of Woodcock. The majority of funds are spent on the birds and feed, no cover crops planted as we have plenty of natural cover. We also have a small splash which we have just started feeding this year and have had some success on the duck, mainly mallard with the odd teal.


Hardly a purist pheasant shoot but are very enjoyable and affordable relaxed shoot. Anyone interested in shooting next year let me know, I don't want to put this in shooting available and every man and his dog asking for shooting but would rather offer it to someone who takes some time to read about all aspects of shooting.

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