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flightpond question


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would like to ask a bit of advice we got permission for a new pond back in aug/sept time we had a slow start but put it down to not feeding till setember and 2 much weed grass in the pond so after clearing the weed/grass out and feeding every day we soon had piles of ducks coming mostly wigeon/mallard with a odd teal we shot the pond every 2 weeks and had a few decent nights at it the last few outings we had upwards of 80/100 ducks coming but snice after xmas we noticed the feed wasnt being eaten so we went on new years day to shoot the pond at dusk but only had about 18 ducks at most come to the pond now im thinking that we have had the pond shot on us and to add weight to that my mate got sumone in shooting near the pond a few days ago so he told him where to go and next time he got him in around our shoot it would be a police matter so as i say thats what makes me think the ducks are gone is this person has been at the ducks now my mate has a different view he is trying to say that the moon has taken the ducks away elsewhere so anyone any ideas as to why for weeks/months piles of ducks have came to the pond to now hardly any and as i say we have shot it every 2 weeks sumtimes 3 weeks apart

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Could be that someone else is shooting it, but our pond has gone quiet of late due to the amount of flood water around which has spread the ducks far and wide.

We are shooting it this Sat and as long as we don't get to much more rain the flood water will have mostly gone, so hopefully a few more ducks will come in.

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I've had it the same on my flight pond. Loads of ducks at the beginning of the season and next to none now. The spuds that I was feeding it with were disappearing fairly quickly, now all of the barley is going but the spuds are still there with peck marks in them. Flood water all around the area, one lot is about 10acres in size and has a couple of swans on it.

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I used to shoot ponds on a farm near ballymoney as part of a syndicate. Im sure you maybe know it, its near Finvoy on the road to Rasharkin. Any way there was 4 ponds which were shot once a fortnight, a couple of guns to each pond. The 1st couple of weeks were always the best and gradually died down and by November it wasn't worth shooting. We always just put it down to being over shooting and that once a fortnight was too often. The guys didnt mind this as by november the pheasants were ready for shooting anyway. So if you are shooting every two weeks and someone is shooting in between times then I wouldnt doubt you have very many duck.

Edited by woodcock1
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I found some of our duck today, we went to drive one of our woods out where we usually see a few woodcock and pheasant and low and behold it was flooded. Thinking that we may see a fox I persisted with the drive and was plesantly surprised with a dozen Mallard springing from thick cover that was about a foot deep in water. The first few were left and the guys I was shooting with managed to change to 34grm 4's of steel and dropped three of them. Hope I've scared them off here now and they start to use the flight pond and bring their mates.

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