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dirty horrible sneaky thiefs


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yeah ******* raging mate.......i'd love to get hold of them before i go home next week.....i'd only want 10 minutes alone with them lol


You lost enough in 10 seconds mate you'd have nothing left in 10 minutes!

Only joshing mate i hope you catch the scum and break their fingers

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i was at the pub watching the football and i was chatting to two guys in the pub during the football just talking about the premier league and spanish leagues etc anyway when i left i went for a taxi and when i got to the taxi rank the guys i had been speaking to, came over and started talking with me again.......i'll be honest i was bloody wasted, so i told the taxi driver where i was going and one of them was talking to me just before i got into the taxi ad while i was talking to him the other ****** picked my pockets and i didnt realise it had happened until they were gone......perks of being drunk lol scumbags ah well ive seen the pair of them in the pub most times ive been in so maybe i'll get my chance to ask them every so politely next week lol...... if they show up at the pub again,

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