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how to call a fox?

Jim c

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hi everyone i know its always different but when trying to call a fox do you just keep calling and calling until its in range or call for say 5 mins then stop for 5 and then continue ?


as ive seen a fox in the same place wednesday night and last night


thanks in advance



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If it's in the same place and same time, could you not sit out and wait for it?We sometimes call then sit and wait to see what happens.Sometimes we spot a fox without calling,and just use the call to either bring it nearer,or if it's moving,to stop it so we can draw a bead.It's not an exact science,and what works for one fox wont necessarily work for another.Just a case of suck it and see I'm afraid.

We normally just squeak by palm,but the sound made by a piece of polystyrene rubbed down a windscreen can carry for a helluva long way on a still night.Don't go overboard whatever technique you use.

Edited by Scully
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