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need career advice!

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British engineering has gone to the dogs , im an apprentice trained machinist/toolmaker.

25 yrs and Only Job i can do that pays, no longer enjoy it.

So if i was you i would look for a job you do enjoy and try and go with that.

Im telling my 14 yr old son the same

I did a 4year engineering apprentiship then 15 years in the trade........ I now drive mobile cranes for a living ....and guess what .yes that trade is staring to go to the dogs now to. it as if all the management are trying to deskill all trades . as one of our managers came out with WE CAN EMPLOY TRAIND CHIPMS TO DO THAT JOB. Edited by fruitloop
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Blimey. Reading some of these posts makes me realise how lucky I was!


One piece of advice I'd (further) offer is try to be your own boss.


Working for yourself is hard in some ways and the responsibilities usually mean you can't just walk away at the end of your shift but the upside is you don't have to put up with some moron giving you BS all the time.


And hey, if all else fails, you can always buy my book and become a Professional Hunter in Africa......... It won't make you rich but you'll have a heck of a lot of fun! :)

Edited by shakari
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