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Silver Sable Side by Side in need of repair


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Hi there,


I've been offered a Silver Sable from a relative however something in the mechanism has stopped working and as such only one barrel fires.


This maybe a 'how longs a piece of string' question but what would the repair cost be for a gun like this? i think it is worth about £500 so if it is going to cost too much i may not bother.


Any info on the gun and likely problems it could be would be appreciated.





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Take it to a gunsmith get them to strip it and tell you what's wrong could be as simple as a gunked up action, worn sear, rod or trigger in need of adjustment £50 gets you the answer and possibly the fix, where are you someone local can probably recommend a smith, is it a double trigger

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Id get it properly valued first before doing a repair on it as some repairs can soon add up. Ive a gunmark sable (not a silver one) and had a problem where the 2nd barrel very often wouldnt fire. Turned out to be the firing pin was just worn. Easy fix, but actually cost me more than the gun cost me to fix.

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