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A result in unlikely circumstances


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Got a call from a local farmer this morning, one of his week old lambs was taken this morning - he saw the fox and the direction it went in but the lamb was dead when he got to it, head off.


So, in spite of a large moon, a still night and it being -2 we had to get out tonight.


The moon made it like daylight but eventually after a couple of hours on foot we caught an eye. Got into the cover of some trees so we weren't casting huge shadows and squeaked Charlie in from the far side of a hedge where he was heading merrily towards the sheep and lambs.


Clear shot taken, dog fox down, job done... or at least a good result. I expect we'll have a happy farmer in the morning, but will be out again tomorrow. For now though feeling quite satisfied that it all went to plan, doesn't often happen but it's nice when it does!

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