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slings !!!


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I have been using a CHEETA SLING because you dont need to drill holes in your gun. and I have been able to use the sling on both my air rifles and my shot gun. (comes in handy for shoty when rough shooting and using ferret to bolt the rabbits). It also improved my accuracy when taking standing shots with air rifle because it is made from elasticated rubber and pulls the gun firmly into your shoulder. ;)


some one off of this forum recommended it to me (terry I think his name was) at the time I didnot like the Idea of drilling holes into my stock. It has worked very well for me. however today I drilled a hole in the stock to fit my new harris bypod. :good::lol:


sorry not mutch help to you thoe.


Kipper :)

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This has been covered a good few times now and a search should reveal some in depth answers.

However to sumarise ..................


If you don't want to drill the stock then a cheetah sling is the way to go.


If you do drill then quick release slings and studs are the answer.


As for the type of sling then that really is upto personnal choice, cammo,leather, neoprane etc etc


Have a look in a few mags to se what is availabe.

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I've recently fitted swivels and slings to a AA s200 and a AA s410 (FAC).


Uncle Mike's swivels and RWS slings (can't remember where from but will rumage in the receipts if you want me to ).


In both guns I drilled right through the fore-end wood and filled in the excess hole with wood filler, because on the 200 the wood was bulging on the inside, and then applied a couple of coats of coloured varnish to re-seal the wood, (Obviously remove from action before drilling). I also used a 10mm carpenters drill (very carefully), the type that gives a flat finish so as to seat the little plastic washers that come with the swivels. Rub a candle on the threads before starting to screw and work the thread in and out a bit at a time to avoid splitting the wood.


The lined slings for a couple of quid more are more comfortable than the unlined, and the corbra type are better for heavier guns.


If you want the code numbers for the items PM me and I'll get back to you.

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