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Branching out plan B


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Rooks damaging golf course for Crane fly grubs etc...


I've looked at acquiring a shotgun for branching and ongoing control but also propose to use my FAC air rifle during the flapper period.


Has to be done at dusk/dawn/night because the course is used every day and all daylight hours. However, it's sighting system is a bit different to most peoples as can be seen here:





I know it's illegal using artificial illumination to light up birds in trees but that would be counter productive as well as unnecessary for my low light rig.


Is anyone able to find the legal definition of what type of night sight equipment is illegal in terms of trees/night with regard to the general licence? I'm guessing that when the law was written most night vision devices required artificial illumination.


With night sky behind the bare branches I will be able to use the low light camera which is primarily used by astronomers, and remove the IR torch which only needs to be used in the very darkest of places. As the viewing device currently fitted is a DVR I propose to record some of the crosshair visible shots (the box in the middle of the rail is a crosshair generator overlay device)


The tricky bit then: I need to be crystal clear about the legality of using it if I'm going to show it in use on Youtube - shooting at birds in trees at dusk/dawn..

Edited by Dave-G
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