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Another one bites the dust


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Went out to one of my permissions and was met by a rather annoyed farmer who told me he's lost more lambs this year than other years, so I went off to the field in question, after a quick look around I headed of to the field that's been terrorised by the local fox population, with in 2 minutes I saw a large old dog fox sat in the hedge row, but Unfortnatly he saw me first and made a dash across the field, I set up on the bipod and started calling on the fox whistle, apart from a few strange looks from the lamps nothing showed, after 5 minutes a gave a few more calls and to my surprise this fox thought he was in for a free meal, I took the shot for a frontal neck shot, he was in great condition as you can tell from the picture, the farmer was more than happy and was surprised after being there 10 minutes there was one less to think about, saw 2 more after but was unable to get a safe shot, will be going back for another bash this week :)



Edited by Olliesims
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