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Interesting day.


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Rook shooting today over sprouting spring wheat and had a buzzard come down and grab a jackdaw that I had just shot.

Not a rare sight, but interesting.


Get home, looking out my living room window to the grass field opposite and see a marsh harrier hovering about 4ft above the field, not that unusual, but then a pair of hare's ears stuck up and then the hare sat up completely.

The harrier dived at it, but it didn't move away, just bobbed up and down.

Then the harrier landed about 3ft away and walked round it, still it didn't move.

A few rooks turned up to mob the harrier, but soon cleared off.

The harrier dived bombed and also landed and did the walk round, again and again, still the hare never moved.

After about 35 minutes of this, it flew off.


I have just walked over the field and she has two leverets in a form.

Two very lucky leverets.

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