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So pleased new gun is OK after all!

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As a relative newcomer back to the sport I rely quite heavily on what people tell me and from what I read. So, after deciding I was going to try wildfowling next season went out and treated myself to an SX3 which I'd heard lots of good things about.


So, last Saturday was its first day out after some pigeons and to say I was disappointed was an understatement....I couldn't have hit a barn door at 10 paces. The fella I went with is a great shot and kindly offered to do some experimenting with it, so on Wednesday we took it to a local field with some paper and marker pens and found it appeared to be shooting high. I'd taken the tools to replace the shims that come with it and by the time it was just getting dark we thought we might have sorted it out. He also thought the cartridges I was using probably weren't brilliant so suggested an alternative.


Forward three days to today and we went out again about 3pm to have a go for pigeons on the rape which although 18inches high in places on this particular field does have some very small plants and quite large bare patches. The pigeons were few and far between but a few shots were all that I wanted


The difference seemed quite noticeable. Gamebore clear pigeon cartridges in the chambers resulted in me getting 7 pigeons for 10 shots which I know isn't going to set the shooting world on fire but for me it represents a huge confidence boost and in here was my first "right and left" if you see what I mean with a semi.


I guess most on here will have shot hundreds if not thousands of pigeons so this may appear a rather trivial story but I can assure you it was a great relief to know that I can at least hit something, so hopefully onwards and upwards now with the Sx3! And....that will be the only time I can ever come home and say I shot my first left and right....made up!

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See Dave...I told you that you where not the worst shot in the Midalnds....ok maybe the second...you come after me :lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol: , very happy that you have now setted the gun to suit your shooting, its quite rare to pick up a new gun and expect to fit perfectly.

7 out of 10.....whos this guy....what do you have to do to get a private lesson?????lol

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