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Bipods - Height and makes


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After a frustrating time shooting on Sunday with a sandbag that wasn't filled enough, I'm looking for a new bipod for my .308 target rifle.


Leaving aside the eye-watering FT/R type of bipods, what brands are considered decent enough to take a .308 for an extended time, possibly being cheaper than Harris too?


Also, what would people recommend for pretty much entirely prone shooting?


I can't remember what height or make my last bipod was. It seemed to work for my .17HMR but I can't remember if it was too high though. Dammit.

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I've a 6-9 harris thats perfect for completely prone, its a keep your eyes out issue and grabbing them as they appear 2nd hand. This was £50 from memory for the tilting one but the quality difference compared to the ones that aren't harris is huge

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