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coventry warwickshire pigeon,rabbit,crow etc

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Hi all,

mature airgunner looking for permission for pigeon,rabbit etc south Coventry, Warwickshire area, insured and experience, only just getting back into shooting after a ten year break. any suggestions or leads welcomed






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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

mature airgunner looking for permission for pigeon,rabbit etc south Coventry, Warwickshire area, insured and experience, only just getting back into shooting after a ten year break. any suggestions or leads welcomed






I'm in the same area and same situation bud, tell you what, if I come up trumps I'll give you a bell as long as you do the same for me.

What insurance do you have? I have BASC airgun.


Best regards,



Edited by Dean0
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You are not far from me lads, can't help with permission but I would suggest targeting golf clubs. They will see the attraction of air rifles on the bunnies but farmers often don't take air rifles seriously. Plenty of courses south of Cov covered in bunnies...

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