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beretta chokes..??


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Hi all,


just looking for a bit of advice, I have a beretta 687 sporting 12g u/o and i was wondering about buying some extended chokes for it.


Can you tell me if it is the mobil chokes that fit this model?


This may be a simple question, but i've had a look around and i cannot find anything to tell me that this is the right or wrong one.


I take it that the optima chokes fit the newer 682 gold e etc.. but not the 687, so anyone that's in the know it would be appreciated if you can tell me so i can get some bought.


Also, just whilst i'm asking, what are the best chokes to go for? I mainly use it for skeet and DTL and occasionally some sporting, so which one's suit for which disipline?




chubbs :shout:

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Hi all,


just looking for a bit of advice, I have a beretta 687 sporting 12g u/o and i was wondering about buying some extended chokes for it.


Can you tell me if it is the mobil chokes that fit this model?


This may be a simple question, but i've had a look around and i cannot find anything to tell me that this is the right or wrong one.


I take it that the optima chokes fit the newer 682 gold e etc.. but not the 687, so anyone that's in the know it would be appreciated if you can tell me so i can get some bought.


Also, just whilst i'm asking, what are the best chokes to go for? I mainly use it for skeet and DTL and occasionally some sporting, so which one's suit for which disipline?




chubbs :shout:


i would have thought it would be the mobil chokes, however i would personally only buy chokes if you could check they fit in your gun. Saves having to send anything back. It should also say somwhere on your gun, for example miroku's have invector or invector + written along the metal work which is revealed as you open the gun.


As for the best chokes to go for. I personally would go for 1/4 1/2 and 3/4 but an open choke might not go amiss for the skeet.


1/4 and open for skeet


1/4 and 1/2 for sporting


1/2 and 3/4 for dtl (although i shoot this with 1/4 and 1/2 and swear it makes no odds)

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Hi :good:

Yes the optima chokes do fit some if not all the 687 models. I have a 687 silver pigeon II sporter and mine has the optima chokes. The easy way of telling is just to look at the chokes. The optima chokes are much longer than the mobil chokes. A standard optima choke is 7cm long. I personally would not bother buying the extended chokes as the standard ones throw great patterns anyway. Hope this helps :good:

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