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Shotgun Photo Websites ?


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Hello, I'm thinking about an O/U,as I'm doing a few clays now, and I really like split/ventelated barrels,dont ask me why !

Are there any websites that show photo's/stats/prices of all the shotguns out there ?

There is so much choice..

Thanks Mick

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I cant think of any websites in particular, but ones like guntrader & gunstar usually give you some good prices & photos so you can see whats in your price range. Once I find a couple of models im interested in buying, i then just google them and usually find various reviews people have done on them, with better photos and an idea of the options etc..

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Would it not be a better move for you to visit a few clay grounds in your area? There you can see what guns people are using and I am sure that if you ask politely the shooters would allow you to have a closer look at and handle any that you thought might suit your needs and whatever budget you have mate.

Just a suggestion but maybe worth a thought!


Just out of interest where abouts in West Youkshire are you, there might be some members of clubs that would be willing to invite you to see and try theirs.

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