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12 gauge, 20 gauge, and Newton's 3rd Law

Animal Mother

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Ok , imagine someone in a hide you see a bird 200 yards out its deffo decoying , the shooter "needs" the gun mounted from that moment to line up the shot , rather than gun down until the right moment ( in my mind ) to stand , mount and swing .

That's pretty awkward ???

There's never been a need for a last moment weight shift or adjustment of foot position so there isn't one just a snatched shot , awkward ?

Not maintaining observation of incoming birds and as much of the sky as possible to Select the appropriate bird to give you the best chance of a kill !

All pretty wooden .

This is not Criticism of the shooter there skills or anything else just observation .

I know coaches do great jobs and there skill is not in question but it is more clay focused .

Coaching in the field is very different and I think it's pretty accurate to say you earn your stripes when shooting live quarry through failure then success , trail an error .

Lets face it most of us learned from old more experienced shots who hold no qualifications in the shooting industry .


I'm teaching two people from very diverse ends of society and age groups. both are enjoying not just success shooting but constant improvement of gun safety, the law , field craft , and what the sport is truly about responsibly enjoying the excitement of shooting shotguns at a pretty wide verity of targets .

Of course a coach can do the same but at a cost and with out the experience shared with loved ones !

I'm sorry if I have offended anyone it was not my intention !

Some coaches not all coach in the field the reason I love coaching is introducing new people to our sport yes I start them off on clays but I also take people into the field be that pheasant partridge grouse or decoying, I want to create a SAFE and then successful shot who enjoys my chosen sport.


Oh and not all coaches charge also not all professional coaches have qualifications.

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