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spraying maize cover crop

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our maize is in but will need spraying for weeds when it germinates .our normal guy cant spray it this year so I am doing a bit of research so we can spray it our selves.

what does everyone use and how much?


just had a price for FAIZE...its not cheap

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There are going to be some disasters this year. Most maize I have seen is bright yellow, turning purple, drilled far too soon considering the weather and the weeds are taking over.

The stressed plants will suffer more due to weed competition and spraying will be risky.

The best maize I have seen is still in the bag waiting for conditions to be correct. I will bet it comes out in front.

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We let our covers green up a bit with weeds then spray wit a pre emergence. Then drill straight in any problems we go over it with Jester. We will probably be drilling ours Wednesday if this sun keeps out I find it always best to drill into a warm seed bed maize and Millet otherwise the weeds will over take it and the maize wont compete. We have just put 50 tones of chicken muck on all of our cover strips to help get things going.

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