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Paint for cammo spraying.


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I have just been given an SKB semi auto shotgun, it is 3 inch chamber multichoke (tru choke) and very tatty looking scrapes on the stock and forend the barrel is patchy on the blue and the reciecer bright in areas too, its rough but works great.

To try and renovate to standard is beond both my patience and capabilities so i thought about a cammo spray job. I have seen this done on a few USA sites on turkey guns etc, and they seem to be able to get flat satin or matt coloured paints quite easily, but all i have ever seen here are grey or red oxide primers satin and matt black but no other collours. Any idea where such paints are available from in the UK.

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I do a lot of spraying and get all my paint from a local car paint supplier. They can match any paint you want. Either from a book, or from a sample. They not only supply it in tins for spray guns, but will also stick it in aresol cans. The cans they use have decent spray nosels on them too, not like the ones you may buy from halfords.


Have a look in the yellow pages and see if there is anywhere like that near you.

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