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Rearing Greys - advice.

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So i have a banty sat on 12 grey partridge eggs.


I have read they get disease and parasites very easily and also can only eat certain foods in the first two to three weeks of life.


This being said i plan on moving them to a run at about two weeks old, and then moving the run every day and increasing the size as appropriate.


The mother will stay with them until i she leaves them naturally.


When they reach full feather they will be moved to a pen in a paddock with plenty of cover in it, and i think i will over winter them there.


With any luck if they live they will pair up and lay their own, in turn these will be hatched and then after rearing again they will be released.


Any advice, guidance or massive flaws in my plans, i have never reared partridge before.



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Greys hatched under broodies are perfect to rear. You shouldn't get any problems really- get an anti Coxy med in their food- obviously chick crumbs, mini pellets, growers. I use a 10ft by 10ft pen for my broodies and the birds stay in them till they are ready for release on the same ground and always do fine.



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That's rubbish- fed mine on fine pheasant chick crumbs and had 24 hatch from my broody and live till release. If you wanted you could get super fine chick crumbs- speak to a local game farm and buy a bag off them. Good luck! But as the saying goes, don't count your chickens before they have hatched!

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I have chick crumb that i use for my chicks ( chickens ), and i usually supplement that with boiled eggs all mashed up for extra protein. Normally for water i use a brick with the V depress in one side as a tiny trough, but these chicks are going to be tiny so i will need to find something else lower for them to reach, the first time having chicks was a learning curve as a few sadly drowned in too deeper water i would rather this didnt happen with my little greys. I know, Its this bantys third brood this year since January. Last year she had a brood of around 20 - 23 but this quickly reduced to about 18. Thing is i got rid of my cockerel but this year she still appeared with a small brood of four, then when she left those came back about a month ago with another brood of two. I asked my neighbors who keeps her chickens locked up but they ate their cockerel, the only other person lives across the road but hers live indoors, so i have no idea where these chicks are appearing from.

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