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Dog Howling


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The last two nights my dog cocker spaniel has been whining, whimpering and howling at the back door. Really quite loud, and I'm worried he's disturbing the neighbours.


He normally goes to bed in his cage in the kitchen although he does have a kennel outside in the yard which he rarely uses. He seems to want to get outside, and as soon as I let him out he heads for a little den he has in the corner of a raised shrubbery. I let him out at about 2:30am and when I got up to take him for his morning walk at 6 he was still there and looked as if he'd just been sleeping normally.


It's fine just now but might not be so appealing when it's colder and wetter, I don't know.


He is now 10 months. He has been very "frisky" the last week or so. Nothing else has changed - same feed, exercise regime, etc.


Any ideas what's up?

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I thought it could be that so I went round a few friendly neighbours last night - drew a blank but there could be a bitch nearby I don't know of. How far would the scent travel?


He wasn't too bad last night and now just seems to be a bit unsettled. He is constantly sniffing and snuffling and isn't himself. If I play with him he's back to his old self- any lull in play then he seems to remember somethings up and heads off - tail between the legs, sniffin. Out on walks he's normal, it's just in the house.

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