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FAC application and rifle choice advise please


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Hi all,


I am going to be applying for my FAC but am first trying to educate myself as much as possible regarding the application itself and also my choice of rifle I apply for.


Any advice for filling out the application would be great ie. whats best to write down for certain questions.


Also unsure what to put in the boxs ''Maximum amount of ammunition you wish to have in your possession at any one time (including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles). Target shooting is no longer considered a good reason to possess expanding ammunition.''




''Maximum amount of ammunition to be purchased or acquired at any one time (including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles)''


What is ''expanding ammunition?



Can a rifle be stored in my cabinate along side my shogun? and will a standard 3 gun cabinate house a rifle with scope or will I need a seperate deeper ''rifle cabinate'' ?


As far as choice of rifle goes I am think .17HMR. I will be mainly using it for rabbits and also if a fox pops its head out. Would I be corredct in saying I would be legal to shoot a fox with a .17HMR??


I thought the 17HMR over the 22lr due to ricochets. Some of the land I shoot over is a little stoney and also both farms have footpaths on so would be very wary of ricochets. I know the cost of a HMR round may be a little more but wont be using thousands of them and would rather feel that bit safer when taking a shot.


I currently shoot over two farms. One is around 200 acres and the other about 400 acres. Would I have any issues getting granted an FAC over these size farms?


I have shot most of my life with shotguns and also have handled and shot rifles before under supervision. I shoot pigeons over the two farms and both farmers are keen for me to make a dent in the rabbit population but is not easy with a shotgun. Also one farmers wife keeps having her hen house wiped out by Mr Charlie so would be nice to be to clear a fox or two without having to go to, to bigger calibre.


Like i say I am far from new to shooting and have been brought up with guns and safety is obvioulsy the fist thing that ever enters my head before squeezing the trigger, but I am obviouisly also going to be newish to rifle shooting so if you dont agree with anything I have written, please don't bash me for it as I am just trying to educate myself and get a few tips from fellow PW members.






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Hi all,


I am going to be applying for my FAC but am first trying to educate myself as much as possible regarding the application itself and also my choice of rifle I apply for.


Any advice for filling out the application would be great ie. whats best to write down for certain questions.


Just write the truth and nothing more


Also unsure what to put in the boxs ''Maximum amount of ammunition you wish to have in your possession at any one time (including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles). Target shooting is no longer considered a good reason to possess expanding ammunition.''


17 hmr 600 rounds expanding




''Maximum amount of ammunition to be purchased or acquired at any one time (including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles)''


17 hmr 500 rounds expanding



What is ''expanding ammunition?


Hollow point,soft point ammunition used for shooting live quarry


Can a rifle be stored in my cabinate along side my shogun? and will a standard 3 gun cabinate house a rifle with scope or will I need a seperate deeper ''rifle cabinate'' ?


Yes but you may need to store the rifle sideways to clear the scope. You will also need a safe to keep your ammunition in.


As far as choice of rifle goes I am think .17HMR. I will be mainly using it for rabbits and also if a fox pops its head out. Would I be corredct in saying I would be legal to shoot a fox with a .17HMR??


All depends on what your police force put on your conditions.


I thought the 17HMR over the 22lr due to ricochets. Some of the land I shoot over is a little stoney and also both farms have footpaths on so would be very wary of ricochets. I know the cost of a HMR round may be a little more but wont be using thousands of them and would rather feel that bit safer when taking a shot.


Hmr is about 2-3 times the price of 22lr


I currently shoot over two farms. One is around 200 acres and the other about 400 acres. Would I have any issues getting granted an FAC over these size farms?


All depends on the layout but I would almost guarantee you should be fine


I have shot most of my life with shotguns and also have handled and shot rifles before under supervision. I shoot pigeons over the two farms and both farmers are keen for me to make a dent in the rabbit population but is not easy with a shotgun. Also one farmers wife keeps having her hen house wiped out by Mr Charlie so would be nice to be to clear a fox or two without having to go to, to bigger calibre.


Like i say I am far from new to shooting and have been brought up with guns and safety is obvioulsy the fist thing that ever enters my head before squeezing the trigger, but I am obviouisly also going to be newish to rifle shooting so if you dont agree with anything I have written, please don't bash me for it as I am just trying to educate myself and get a few tips from fellow PW members.






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Thanks for your reply LuckyShot :good:


Does the ammunition cabinate have to be fix like the gun cabinate or as long as it is a lockable safe can it just be hidden away somewhere?


As a first time applicant would I have more chance of getting 22LR rather than the 17HMR?

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Thanks for your reply LuckyShot :good:


Does the ammunition cabinate have to be fix like the gun cabinate or as long as it is a lockable safe can it just be hidden away somewhere?


As a first time applicant would I have more chance of getting 22LR rather than the 17HMR?



Yes the safe for your ammunition needs to be fixed to the wall/floor just the same as your gun cabinet does. As for the 22/17 just ask for both there shouldn't be a problem with that.

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