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Converting MP3 to Midi ???


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Got a new fone Nokia 6021, got the nokia suite and all that install and am now trying to create some ring tones. have got some mp3's sounds (pheasnat squakings) that I want to use as ring tones and text beeps.



Phone suite says they need to be in MIDI format. Have checked the internet and the free download versions of the s/w dont allow save of MIDI till purchased.

Does any body out there in PW land know how to get MP3's converted to ring tones or to MIDI format so I can load it my self





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Unfortunately you can not convert MP3 to MIDI. However, you can convert MIDI to MP3, not that this will help you.


MIDI uses sound fonts to play back sounds such as a drum or piano etc. Custom sound fonts can be made by recording or sampling a sound and loading it as a sound font and having the MIDI file play the relevant samples within the sound font. However, you will need MIDI editing software such as Cakewalks' Sonar and a sound device that can load specific sound fonts, your Nokia wont be able to do this. :oops:

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