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generally meat only on a bbq.....




seen this done.....superb!!!



peach halves onto a bit of tin foil sprinkle with brown sugar then wrap up loose and on bbq ...for 10 mins .....remove and sugar has caramalised....place in bowl and drizzle with single cream!



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Whilst a committed carnivore I do like a pudding :yes: So I do the barbecue banana thing. Similar to Duncan, slit banana, chocolate in the middle, wrap in foil, but I use lumps of proper chocolate or a couple of segments from an old school Terry's chocolate orange :drool:


A recent barbecue dessert discovery will probably place me firmly in the 'good with colours' camp according to you lot :lol: Peach half flat side up and filled with honey, wrap in foil and barbecue until the peach is soft. Serve with thick double cream (or vanilla ice cream) on top of a piece of home made shortbread hot out of the oven :good:

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