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Pexion as an alternative to Epiphen


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Chaps, does anyone have any experience of Pexion for an epileptic dog?


My terrier has been on Epiphen since October last year and has been doing really well - frequency of seizures has reduced hugely from one quite severe 30min plus seizure approximately every 3 weeks to one minor 5 minute one in January and a similar short one last Friday night (and I think the trigger for that was processed pork as he had a sausage which he is not normally allowed).


Last time he had his bloods done the vet said he was at the low end of the levels so I said if he fits again we will look at increasing it. He went to the vets today for bloods and then to increase the dose but my mrs has called to say that they have not done either of these things but have suggested Pexion as an alternative with less side effects in the long term.


I have briefly looked up this new drug (I studied medicine for 3 years so wanted to look up the pharmacology but can't find it) and it appears to have only been licensed for 3 months.


I am reluctanct to change when we have a solution which is working very well unless I need to ie unless it is causing liver function issues (dog will be 4 in August) and put him through the side effects associated with starting a new drug.


Any advice or experience would be very much appreciated.



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